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Taxonomy: TH- External beam- photons: Motion management (intrafraction)

MO-E115-GePD-F6-5Predictors for Intrafractional Internal-External Relationship Changes in Respiratory-Gated Pancreatic Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
N Pettersson*, J Murphy , D Simpson , L Cervino , UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA
MO-I345-GePD-F7-5Managing Motion in Lung Tumor Treatments Through Robust Plan Optimization in Photon Beam Volumetric Arc Therapy
C Young1 , N Sperling2* , D Shvydka2, (1) Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, (2) University of Toledo Health Science Campus, Toledo, OH
SU-F-209-4The Dosimetric Effect of Motion Management System Latency On Radiotherapy Treatments
A Shepard*, C Matrosic , J Radtke , W Culberson , B Bednarz , University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
SU-H400-GePD-F5-1Inter-Observer Variation in Intra-Fraction Motion Assessment During Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using MV Images
R Sullivan*, X Wu , E Covington , R Popple , The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
SU-H430-GePD-F7-2Inverse-Planned Conformal Arc Therapy (iCAT): A Hybrid Solution for Limiting Interplay Effects in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)
E Pryser*, L Rankine, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
SU-I-GPD-J-18Retrospective Analysis of OSMS Time Series for Potential Intervention in SRS
J Belliveau1*, K Thind1,2 , (1) Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, AB, (2) Department of Oncology and Physics, University of Calgary
SU-I-GPD-T-171Reducing Mean Heart Dose with OSMS Monitoring and PerFraction Verification
J Haywood1*, (1) Mercy Health Partners, Allendale, MI
SU-I-GPD-T-334Respiratory Control and Patient Positioning with Three-Dimensional Patient Body Scanning
N Hayashi1*, T Saito2 , M Nozue3 , Y Muraki3 , (1) Fujita Health University, Tayoake, Aichi, (2) Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, (3) Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
SU-K-202-3Correlation Between Tumor and Vessel Motion in the Liver
S Jupitz*, A Shepard , P Hill , B Bednarz , University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
SU-K-202-7A Study On Breathing Pattern Classification and Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
X Tang1*, Y Ou2 , Z Saleh3 , J Jeong4 , W Cai5 , Y Song6 , M Zhang7 , M Chan8 , C Shi9 , (1,3,4,5) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, West Harrison, NY, (2) Columbia University, New York, NY, (6, 7) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Montvale, New Jersey, (8,9) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ.
SU-K-KDBRC-1A Deep Learning Approach of the Image Based Acquisition of the Position and the Shape of a Lung Tumor Using X-Ray Color Fluoroscopic Images
Y Kajihara1*, T Shiinoki2 , F Fujii1 , (1) Yamaguchi University, Ube, Yamaguchi, (2) Yamaguchi University, Ube,Yamaguchi
SU-L-KDBRA2-7Radiotransparent Audiovisual Systems During Treatment for Patient Relaxation, Active Feedback, and Cross-Language Communication: Current Designs, Multi-Year Clinical Experience, Future Directions
A Yu , T Juang , L Skinner , K Bush*, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
TH-AB-DBRA-5Effects of Gantry Speed, Breathing Rate, and Duty Cycle On Treatment Efficiency for Respiratory-Gated VMAT
E Hubley1*, G Pierce2 , A Hudson3 , C Bojechko4 , (1) Thomas Jefferson university Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, (2) Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, AB, (3) Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, AB, (4) University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
TH-AB-DBRA-9Method to Quantify the PTV Margin Required for Patients Treated with MLC Tracking for Lung SABR
V Caillet1,2*, B Swan4,5 , A Briggs2 , N Hardcastle3,7 , D Jayamanne2 , T Eade 2, P Greer5,6 , R O'Brien1 , P Keall1 , J Booth2,(1) ACRF Institute X, University Of Sydney, NSW,(2) Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW, (3) Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, (4) Calvary Mater Newcastle, Newcastle, (5) Central Coast Cancer Centre, Gosford, Australia,(6) Faculty of Science and IT, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, (7) Institute of Medical Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
TH-AB-DBRA-11Novel Visual Feedback Device Provides Enhanced Patient Coaching Experience for Patients Undergoing Left Breast DIBH
D Campos1*, E Steiner2 , K Makhija3 , P Keall4 , M Daly5 , Y Rong6 , T Yamamoto7 , L Shi8 , S Benedict9 , (1) University of California - Davis, Sacramento, CA, (2) The University of Sydney, The University Of Sydney, NSW, (3) University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, (4) University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, (5) University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA, (6) University of California-Davis, Sacramento, CA, (7) UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, (8) University of California - Davis, Sacramento, CA, (9) UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA
TH-AB-KDBRA1-11Simultaneous MLC and Couch Tracking: A Clinical Feasibility Study
L Zhang*, T LoSasso , P Zhang , G Mageras , G Tang , Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
TH-CD-DBRA-5Dosimetric Evaluation of MLC and Couch Tracking On TrueBeam for Abdominal Cancer Treatments
L Zhang*, T LoSasso , P Zhang , G Mageras , G Tang , Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
TH-CD-DBRA-11The Implementation of Real-Time Image-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy for a Fixed-Beam Radiotherapy Prototype
P Liu1*, D Nguyen1 , R O'Brien1 , P Keall1 , J Booth1,2 , (1) The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, (2) Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards,
TU-C1000-GePD-F9-2Signal Processing Analysis of Breathing Rates Show Improved Spectral Coherence When Human Subjects Receive Musical Melody and Voice Instruction Guidance
J Bayouth1*, T Patton1 , S Gerard2 , W Shao2 , G Christensen2 , J Reinhardt2 , A Baschnagel1 , (1) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (2) The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
TU-C1030-GePD-F5-1Comparison of An In-House MV-KV System Vs Calypso for Intra-Treatment Monitoring During Prostate SBRT
K Tierney*, B Ravindranath , E Eley , L Happersett , P Zhang , M Hunt , Mem Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr, New York, NY
TU-C1030-GePD-F5-4Recommendation of Fiducial Marker Implantation for Better MV Imaging Tracking Capability in Prostate Radiotherapy
T Ma*, J Kilian-Meneghin , L Kumaraswamy , Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
TU-D-KDBRA1-1Are Implanted Fiducials An Appropriate Surrogate for Tumour Position in Lung SABR?
A Briggs1*, N Hardcastle2,4 , V Caillet1,3 , K Szymura1 , D Jayamanne1 , M Hibbert1 , B Harris1 , T Eade1 , P Keall3 , J Booth1,4 , (1) Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW, (2) Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, (3) ACRF Institute X, University Of Sydney, NSW, (4) Institute of Medical Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
TU-I345-GePD-F7-6Potential Dose Escalation for Pancreas SBRT Patients as a Result of Simulated Tumor Tracking and Margin Reduction in a MR-Linac
S Al-Ward1*, M Ruschin1,2 , A Kim1,2 , W Chu1,2 , S Myrehaug1,2 , A Sahgal1,2 , B Keller1,2 , (1) Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, Toronto, Canada, (2) University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada,
WE-C930-GePD-F4-3Evaluating the Dosimetric Accuracy of Small Gating Windows in Radiotherapy
W Short*, N Sperling , University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH
WE-C930-GePD-F5-6Assessment of Limitations of Surface-Guided Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold (DIBH) Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer
T Lin*, R Price , C Ma , Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
WE-HI-KDBRB1-1A General Patient Motion Compensation in Robotic Systems Using Optimization Based 6DoF Trajectory Planning
X Liu*, R Wiersma , The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
WE-HI-KDBRB1-3High Accuracy Estimation of Real-Time Six Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) Intrafraction Tumor Motion with Intermittent KV Imaging by Incorporating External Respiratory Signal
D T Nguyen1*, V Caillet1,2 , R O'Brien1 , N Hardcastle3 , A Briggs2 , T Eade2 , J Booth2 , P Keall1 , (1) ACRF Image-X Institute, The University Of Sydney, NSW, Australia (2) Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW, Australia (3) Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
WE-HI-KDBRB1-9Dosimetric Benefit of Using Real-Time Multileaf Collimator Tracking to Compensate for Intrafractional Lung Tumor Deformations
MJ Menten1*, M Glitzner2 , J Bertholet1 , S Nill1 , BW Raaymakers2 , U Oelfke1 , (1) The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, (2) University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands