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|Scientific Program
Therapy Track
Imaging Track
Joint Imaging/Therapy Track
Quantitative Imaging in the Era of Big Data and Precision Medicine (Special 2 Day Program)
Educational Program
Therapy Track...this year's therapy education program contains not only the essential topics for practicing medical physicists including adaptive therapy, electrons, MRI in RT, IGRT, teaching, brachytherapy, departmental and EPID QA, and statistics, but also features two informal mini-tracks: protons, and automation in clinical practice. The sessions have been arranged to have minimal overlap and attendees are encouraged to attend all of them in the area they are interested in. For protons, the sessions include:
For automation in clinical practice, the topics include history of automation, in-house and vendor automation solutions (including TPS scripting), software engineering, and management of information technology from the medical physicist perspective. The sessions include:
Therapy Education Track sessions other than protons and clinical practice automation:
Imaging Track
Practical Medical Physics
Professional Program
Certificate Course – Radiomics (August 1-2, 2018)
This year's certificate course will offer 1½ days of training in radiomics and machine learning/deep learning. New this year, we are including two lab sessions where the participants will get hands-on experience. To participate in the lab sessions, you will be required to bring your laptop. At the end, the certificate attendees will be armed with the knowledge and tools to start or further their work in radiomics and deep learning.
Attendees may enroll in the certificate course for an additional fee which is offered via the registration system. Enrollment in the program entitles participants to additional online materials.
Following the meeting, certificate program participants will be required to take an online examination which covers the material presented throughout the 1½ day course. Enrollees who demonstrate satisfactory attendance at the course and successful completion of the online examination (available after the meeting) will receive a certificate of completion for this course. Course Registration is restricted to AAPM Members only.
Partners in Solutions (an exciting venue on the exhibit floor)
Partners in Solutions continues to offer a unique way for physicists to interact with and learn from our vendors, with vendors providing physics-level applications training classes in a special-purpose lecture room located on the exhibit floor. These are not sales pitches, but practical information for the clinical physicist from the people who know their systems in depth. Topics for this year are:
Look for the Partners in Solutions sessions on the meeting program. CE credit will be offered. Come learn with us!
Educational Topic-Specific Guided Tours (Limited Tour Capacity)
Come visit our vendors as part of a guided tour. Tourists will first hear a short introduction on the selected topic by one of the leaders in the field, then follow their AAPM-member Tour Guide to the vendor booths to hear about their related products. SAM credit available. Topics for this year are:
Due to the need to limit the capacity of each tour, participation will be first come/first served.
Individuals interested in participating should plan accordingly.