Moderator 1: Kristi Hendrickson, University of Washington
Moderator 2: Leah Schubert, Univ. of Colorado Denver
| Thursday | TH-B-KDBRA2-0 : An Interactive Session to Share Education Ideas: How Do You Teach Quality and Safety to Residents? E.Ford*, C.Buckey* |
| | 8:30 AM TH-B-KDBRA2-1 | Educating Residents in Root Cause Analysis: Why, Why, Why E.Ford* |
| | 8:45 AM TH-B-KDBRA2-2 | How to teach quality and safety...even if you aren’t an expert C.Buckey* |
| | 9:00 AM TH-B-KDBRA2-3 | Interactive Panel Session (Ford, Buckey, Schubert, and Hendrickson)