Moderator 1: J. Daniel Bourland, Wake Forest Univ
Moderator 2: Yevgeniy Vinogradskiy, University of Colorado Denver
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-1 : An Imaging-Informed Model for Convection Enhanced Radio-Liposome Delivery R.Woodall*, D.Hormuth, X.Feng, W.Phillips, A.Bao, A.Brenner, T.Yankeelov |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-2 : Tumor Targeting and Cancer Cell Penetrating Theranostic Gadolinium Nanoparticles for Image-Guided Nanoparticle-Enhanced Radiation Therapy W.Liu*, J.Deacon, H.Yan, B.Sun, Y.Liu, D.Hegan, K.Roberts, P.Glazer, Z.Chen, R.Nath |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-3 : A Novel LITT Treatment Planning System To Optimize Laser Ablation Delivery To Brain Targets M.Shang*, D.Laurent, M.Rahman, D.Hahn, M.Arreola, L.Rill, F.Bova |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-4 : Feasibility of Real Time Monitoring of Matched Radiation Field Spacing Using Cherenkov Imaging C.Velten*, P.Black, Y.Wang, C.Wuu |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-5 : Design and Construction of a Prototype RACT Scanner M.Klem*, V.Moskvin, D.Hecksel, M.Pankuch, K.Stantz |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-6 : Clinical Implementation of Single-Source, Dual-Energy CT Simulation in Radiotherapy A.Smith*, M.Hyun, D.Zheng |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-7 : Bioluminescence Tomography-Guided Radiation Therapy for Glioblastoma in Vivo Z.Deng*, X.Xu, e.Kim, Z.Belcaid, T.Garzon-Muvdi, A.Luksik, R.Maxwell, I.Iordachita, J.Yu, M.Lim, J.Wong, K.Wang |
| Sunday | SU-F-KDBRB1-8 : Development of a Prompt Gamma Imaging System for Real-Time Proton Therapy Monitoring P.Fan*, W.Lu, H.Zhang, Q.Wei, S.Wang, Z.Wu, Y.Liu, T.Ma |