| Tuesday | TU-C1000-GePD-F6-1 : A Retrospective, Dosimetric Analysis of Post Y-90 Liver Radio-Embolization Via Microspheres D.Alvarez*, M.Chuong, R.Gandhi, V.Mishra, A.Gutierrez |
| Tuesday | TU-C1000-GePD-F6-2 : Coronary CT Angiography for Early Detection of Heart Coronary Artery Disease After Breast EBRT N.Jornet*, D.Vilades, R.Leta, N.Espinosa, P.Carrasco, A.Latorre-Mussoll, D.Paula, R.Agusti, C.Cases, J.Fuentes, M.Lizondo, M.Ribas |
| Tuesday | TU-C1000-GePD-F6-3 : Correlation of Intrafraction KV Frames with VMAT Beam MU for Hypo-Lung Cancer Treatment J.Liang*, J.Zhou, I.Grills, Q.Liu, D.Yan |
| Tuesday | TU-C1000-GePD-F6-4 : Image Assessment of Esophageal and Lung Tumor Through Pre and Post Pulsed-Low-Dose-Rate (PLDR) Radiotherapy R.Price*, J.Meyer, M.Hallman, J.Yu, C.Ma |
| Tuesday | TU-C1000-GePD-F6-5 : Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU) Mild Hyperthermia Therapy: Treatment Site Selection Based On a Healthy Volunteer Study and Verified Using a Porcine Model M.Altman, L.Zhu, S.Kothapalli, A.Partanen, G.Cheng, H.Gach, I.Zoberi, D.Hallahan, H.Chen* |
| Tuesday | TU-C1000-GePD-F6-6 : Texture Heterogeneity Analysis (THA) in B-Mode Abdominal Ultrasound: Impact of Degree of Fibrosis On Heterogeneity of Liver Tissue Texture and Value of Regional Texture Analysis J.Li*, M.Qureshi, A.Gupta, S.Anderson, J.Soto, B.Li |