General ePoster Discussion | Monday - 7/30/2018 | ||
Therapy General ePoster Discussion | 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 7 | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F7-1 : Benchmarking Beam Data for a Halcyon Accelerator T.Zhu*, A.Dimofte, C.Kennedy, J.Zou, D.Mihailidis | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F7-2 : First Clinical Evaluation of the Halcyon for Managing Breast Cancer Irradiation D.Mihailidis*, L.Brady, G.Freedman, R.Scheuermann, C.Kennedy, J.Metz | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F7-3 : Geometric and Dosimetric Accuracy for Non-Coplanar VMAT with Continuous Couch Rotation Using L-Shaped Treatment Machine H.Hirashima*, M.Nakamura, Y.Miyabe, N.Mukumoto, T.Mizowaki | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F7-4 : Initial Evaluation of the Clinical Reliability of a New Treatment Delivery System Design J.Hoisak*, G.Kim, K.Moore, T.Pawlicki | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F7-5 : Polynomial-Based Inverse Planning: General Concepts and a Toy Example F.Li*, J.Park, G.Yan | |
Monday | MO-E115-GePD-F7-6 : Secondary MU Calculation for a New Jawless Double-Stacked Halcyon Machine Using a Virtual MLC Model J.Zou*, S.Anamalayil, T.Li, C.Kennedy, R.Scheuermann, T.Zhu, L.Dong | |