Moderator 1: Yuxiang Zhou, Mayo Clinic Arizona
Moderator 2: R. Jason Stafford, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-1 : 3D Prostate Segmentation in MR Image Using 3D Deeply Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks X.Yang*, B.Wang, Y.Lei, T.Wang, X.Jiang, A.Jani, H.Mao, W.Curran, P.Patel, T.Liu |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-2 : A Deep Learning Based Auto Segmentation Method for Rectal Tumors On T2 Weighted MR Images J.Lu*, H.Ying,, G.Qing, L.Shen, Y.Sun, Z.Zhang, W.Hu, L.Huang |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-3 : Automatic Segmentation of Multiple Organs From ViewRay MR Images Using Deep Densely Connected CNN for MRI Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy Y.Fu*, T.Mazur, S.Liu, X.Chang, Y.Lu, H.Li, P.Parikh, D.Yang |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-4 : Complementary Value of MRI-Radiomics Features and Molecular Biomarkers in Glioblastoma to Predict Overall Survival F.Tixier*, H.Um, D.Bermudez, A.Iyer, A.Apte, J.Deasy, I.Mellinghoff, R.Young, H.Veeraraghavan |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-5 : Gastrointestinal 4D MRI with Respiratory Motion Correction A.Johansson*, J.Balter, Y.Cao |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-6 : Highly Accelerated Diffusion Tensor MRI Using An Artificial Neural Network E.Aliotta*, H.Nourzadeh, K.Moulin, D.Ennis |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-7 : Machine-Learning-Based Classification of Glioblastoma Using Dynamic Susceptibility Enhanced MR Image Derived Delta-Radiomic Features J.Jeong*, L.Wang, J.Bing, Y.Lei, T.Liu, A.Ali, W.Curran, H.Mao, X.Yang |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-8 : Preoperative Prediction of Early Recurrence in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma After Partial Hepatectomy L.Xu*, P.Yang, Y.Jiang, Y.Xue, C.Yang, T.Niu |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-9 : Quality Assessment and Repeatability Measurement On DCE-MRI-Derived Blood Volume in Individual Patients During a Clinical Trial M.ARYAL*, C.Lee, P.Hawkins, C.Chapman, A.Eisbruch, M.Mierzwa, Y.Cao |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-10 : Quantification of the Effects of Golden-Angle Radial K-Space Under-Sampling On DCE-MRI Accuracy and Precision S.Knight*, M.Clemence, J.Meaney, A.Fagan |
| Wednesday | WE-AB-202-11 : T2-Weighted Spin-Echo Multislice MRI with Sub-Millimeter Through-Plane Resolution S.Kargar*, E.Borisch, R.Grimm, A.Kawashima, S.Riederer |