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Keywords: deformation
MO-C930-GePD-F5-1Assessment of the Quality and Accuracy of a Commercial Deformable Image Registration (DIR) Software
I Jurkovic1*, N Papanikolaou2 , S Stathakis3 , N Kirby4 , P Mavroidis5 , (1) ,New Braunfels, TX, (2) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (3) University Of Texas Health, San Antonio, TX, (4) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (5) university North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
MO-E115-GePD-F5-2Daily Edge Deformation Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network Regression for Prior Contour Based Total Variation Reconstruction (PCTV-ANN) for Low Dose CBCT
Y Chen1*, K Lafata2 , F Yin3 , L Ren4 , (1) Duke University, Durham, NC, (2) Duke University, Durham, NC, (3) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (4) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
MO-E115-GePD-F9-2Evaluation of An Intensity Based Deformable Registration Method for the Generation of Liver Volumes On Post Y90 PET/CT
N Lamba*, A Kruzer , S Pirozzi , A Nelson , MIM Software Inc., Cleveland, OH
MO-I345-GePD-F5-5Adaptive Replanning in RayStation Using Delivered Dose for Optimization
B Koger*, P Sponseller, E Kim, G Kane, U Parvathaneni, S Geneser, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
MO-I345-GePD-F9-5Real-Time Volumetric Image Generation with CT Image Deformation Driven by Displacement of Internal Fiducial Markers
N Miyamoto*, N Matsumoto, R Suzuki, S Takao, T Matsuura, T Fujii, S Hirayama, S Tomioka, S Shimizu, K Umegaki, H Shirato, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
SU-E-KDBRA2-7Proton Interfractional Range Verification in Pediatric Patients for Pelvic Tumors Based On Synthetic CT
O Ates*, C Hua , J Uh , P Fakhriddin , L Zhao , M Krasin , St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
SU-F-KDBRC-1Dose Volume Histogram Comparisons as a Quality Assurance Metric for Deformable Image Registration
K Kainz*, S Lim , G Chen , X Li , Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
SU-H300-GePD-F5-6Phantom Validation On Synthetic CT Based Adaptive Planning for Interfractional Anatomy Changes in Proton Therapy
O Ates*, L Zhao , C Hua , J Uh , W Yao , T Merchant , St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
SU-H300-GePD-F6-4Enhancing Accuracy of the Deformation-Driven CBCT Reconstruction by a Deep Learning-Based Projection Mapping Scheme
Y Zhang*, L Chen , B Li , M Folkert , X Jia , X Gu , J Wang , UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
SU-H330-GePD-F5-6Dose of the Day Calculations Based On Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Deformable Image Registration for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer
Z Yuan*1,2, Y Rong1 , S Benedict1 , M Daly1 , J Qiu3 , T Yamamoto1 , (1) Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA, USA, (2) Department of Radiology, Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan, China, (3) Department of Radiology, Taishan Medical University, Taian, Shandong, China
SU-H430-GePD-F7-5Two Courses of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer: Dose Accumulation and Toxicity
Y Cao1*, X Zhu1 , J Li2 , C Yu1 , Y Sun1 , H Zhang1 , Y Liu1 , S Qing1 , (1) Shanghai Changhai Hospital, Shanghai, Shanghai, (2) Guangdong Nongken Central Hospital, Zhanjiang, Guangdong
SU-I-GPD-J-6A Toolkit to Manipulate DICOM Data for QA Tests in Adaptive Radiotherapy
P Haering1*, M Splinter2 , C Lang3 , (1) DKFZ, Heidelberg, BW, (2) DKFZ, Heidelberg, BW, (3) DKFZ, Heidelberg, BW
SU-I-GPD-J-33Assessment of Deformable Image Registration for Stomach Dose Accumulation in Pancreatic Cancer Radiotherapy: A Simplified Phantom Based QA and Clinical Performance Evaluation
F Zhu*, G Ren , W Wu , Q Qin , F Zhu , Y Wang , T Xia , Department of Radiation Oncology, PLA General Airforce Hospital., Beijing, Beijing
SU-I-GPD-J-34Validation of Accuracy in Deformable Image Registration by Use of Three-Dimensional Phantom
M Kobayashi1*, N Hayashi2 , K Egami3 , K Yasui2 , (1) Graduate School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University, (2) School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University, (3) Daido Hospital, Department of Radiology,
SU-I-GPD-J-36Evaluation of the Deformable Registration of Two Commercial Software Regarding the Estimation of Inter-Fractional Dose Delivery Accuracy of Prostate VMAT Plans
N Papanikolaou1*, J Hammers2 , S Stathakis3 , D Baltas4 , R Chen5 , S Das6 , P Mavroidis7 , (1) Ut Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, (2) ,Chapel Hill, NC, (3) University Of Texas Health, San Antonio, TX, (4) university Freiburg, Freiburg, ,(5) UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, NC, (6) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, (7) university North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
SU-I-GPD-T-67Evaluation of Tumor Motion Reduction in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy Patients Using a New Abdominal Compression Belt
W Ingram1*, S Huang1 , S Li1 , G Janssens2 , K Souris3 , S Feigenberg1 , L Lin1 , (1) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (2) Ion Beam Applications SA, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, (3) UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
SU-I-GPD-T-315Examining the Influence of Phantom Window Deformation On Chamber Depth in Phantom for a Horizontal-Beam Geometry
N Kinoshita1, 2*, H Oguchi2 , Y Nishimoto1 , T Adachi1 , H Shioura1 , H Kimura1 , (1) University of Fukui Hospital, (2) Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
SU-L-KDBRC-1Assessment of Sensitivity to Deformation Changes of Ventilation and Strain for Lung Functional Mapping Using Hyperpolarized Gas Tagging MRI Data
I Duarte1*, T Cui2 , W Miller3 , F Yin1 , J Cai1,4 , (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (2) Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (3) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, (4) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Yau Tsim Mong
TH-AB-DBRA-4Deformable Anthropomorphic Abdominal Phantom for the Validation of Deformable Dose Accumulation Algorithms and Intrafractional Motion Management Systems
C Matrosic*, I Marsh , B Palmer , J Hull , B Bednarz , W Culberson , University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
TH-EF-KDBRA1-7Experimental Verification of 4D Monte Carlo Simulations in a Deforming Anatomy
S Gholampourkashi1*, J Cygler1,2 , B Lavigne2 , E Heath1 , (1) Carleton Univ, Ottawa, ON , (2) The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Ottawa, ON
TU-E115-GePD-F5-5Evaluation of Uncertainties in Lung SBRT Treatment Planning Using 4D Dose Calculation and DIR
J Azcona1*, M Moreno-Jimenez2 , C Huesa3 , B Barbes4 , J Aristu5 , J Burguete6 , (1) ,,,(2) Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, (3) Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, (4) Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, (5) Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, (6) Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra
TU-I345-GePD-F2-2Development of Digital Thoracic Phantoms Based On Physiological Modeling of Respiratory Motion From Hyperpolarized Gas Tagging MRI Technique
I Duarte1*, T Cui2 , W Miller3 , F Yin1 , J Cai1,4 , (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (2) Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, (3) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, (4) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Yau Tsim Mong
WE-C1000-GePD-F2-1Accuracy of Multi-Modality Deformable Image Registration with MR and CT in MR-IGRT System
T Sakasai*, J Kuwahara , H Okamoto , S Nishioka , Y Miura , H Igaki , Y Abe , J Itami , National Cancer Center Hospital, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
WE-C930-GePD-F5-5Performance Evaluation of 3D Model-Based Global-To-Local Deformable Surface Registration of Multi Organs in Prostate Cancer
M Nakamura1*, M Nakao2 , H Hirashima1 , H Iramina1 , T Mizowaki1 , (1) Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto , (2) Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto
WE-J-KDBRC-4Developing a Physical Motion Modeling Technique to Account for Deformation in the Head and Neck Region Caused by Patient Posture Changes
B Guo*, P Xia , The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH