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Keywords: convolution/superposition
SU-I-GPD-T-420Radiochromic Film-Based Validation of the Leksell GammaPlan Convolution Algorithm with Heterogeneity
J Rakowski1 , A Santiago2*, (1) Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI, (2) Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
TH-EF-KDBRA1-5Distributed Multi-GPU Photon Beamlet Dose Calculation for Efficient Radiation Treatment Planning
R Neph1*, C Ouyang2 , J Neylon1 , K Sheng1 , (1) UCLA Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Los Angeles, CA, (2) University of Michigan Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ann Arbor, MI
TU-C1030-GePD-F7-4Evaluation of a Commercial Independent Second Check System for Quality Assurance of VMAT SRS
R Popple*, R Cardan , X Wu , E Covington , I Brezovich , S Shen , The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
TU-D-202-4Dose Kernels in Water for More Than 700 Radioisotopes
S Graves1*, D Hyer1 , R Flynn1 , B Bednarz2 , (1) University Of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (2) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI