(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To outline the theory of holographic radiation therapy (HRT)
Methods: A review of visible light holography will be presented. This will be followed by a review of how x-rays and holography are currently implemented. The challenges in implementing these holographic techniques with then be presented in the context of depositing dose inside a phantom. The talk will conclude with a road map towards future developments that could make this form of radiotherapy a reality.
Results: Several challenges to implementing HRT have been identified so far: a) production and manipulation of monochromatic x-rays, b) creation of a x-ray diffraction pattern, d) system setup within existing LINAC vaults, and c) weak phenomenology on real image holograms in dense media.
Conclusion: It is unclear at this time if holographic radiotherapy is theoretically possible and if it is, if it's possible to achieve with current engineering methods. Several exciting developments in X-ray production and manipulation however give hope that this technique may be viable in the near future.
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