(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: Low-energy X-ray units provide an effective radiotherapy modality for superficial lesions. In general, treatment planning capabilities for clinical X-ray machines are either simplistic or nonexistent. This study describes development of a web-based treatment planning system which elevated manual planning process to a semi-automated planning at our institution.
Methods: The Xstrahl 150 (Xstrahl LTD, Camberley, United Kingdom) commissioned beam data was used as input for a Low-Energy X-ray Irradiation treatment planning system (LexiPlan). The commissioned beam data included measured dose rate in-air for every collimator, the corresponding percent depth dose (PDD) curves, back scatter factors (BSF) and interpolated treatment beam equivalent area calculation tables. The required LexiPlan input parameters are prescription dose, treatment depth, and collimator size and filter combination. The optional input parameters are blocked field size and extended focal spot distance (FSD). For a given applicator a patient specific corrected PDD curve is displayed to aid in choosing prescription depth and dose. In addition, there exists a tool to optimize the beam filter selection for the best match of the desired treatment depth. LexiPlan is connected to a treatment management system (TMS) so that patient information can be automatically retrieved.
Results: LexiPlan has been extensively tested and validated. Authorized users can access LexiPlan via a web browser. It supports planning for multiple sites in one session. Site setup photos can be uploaded to identify intended target of each plan. The overall planning time is reduced to few minutes due to simplified transfer of prescription information for calculation and autocreation of user-friendly TMS documentation. A PDF plan summary is generated outlining beam parameters, prescribed dose, number of fractions and treatment time.
Conclusion: LexiPlan is a modern web-based low-energy X-ray treatment planning system. It offers plan parameters optimization, accurate treatment time calculations and generates documentation for superficial treatment sites.
Treatment Planning, Low Energy X-rays, Optimization
TH- External beam- photons: treatment planning/virtual clinical studies
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