(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To evaluate the use of an automated system for patient treatment verification. The software solution provides standardization, automation, and simplification of the patient chart check process.
Methods: A software tool (ChartAlert, infodrian, IA) was designed that is connected to the record and verify institutional database. The information that is queried includes: daily couch position, imaging shifts, missing fractions, couch overrides, and treatments under QA mode. For each parameter checked the initial data used as reference for comparison. Each parameter’s history is available for review by the physicist and a placeholder for comments.
Results: Currently the users of the software are physicists from a single institutions with 5 linear accelerators. During the first 3 months of use the tool has proven very helpful in chart checking management, and documentation. With the use of the chart checking software, inconsistencies could be identified and steps were taken in resolving such issues.
Conclusion: The software tool developed has assisted the physicists with the weekly chart checks of the patients under treatment. The software tool is potentially useful for any radiation oncology clinic that is working towards improving efficiency, and reducing errors. The physicists are able to reduce the time of checking parts of the patient’s chart using the automation ChartAlert provides.
Quality Assurance, Patient Positioning
TH- Dataset analysis/biomathematics: Informatics
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