(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: Nanoparticle (NPs) is the name given to particles that are in the nanoscale (nm). Their configuration in the nanometric size promotes alteration in their physical, chemical, and biological behaviors. Gold nanoparticles have been studied for over 100 years. Recently, gold-198 NPs are being studied for application in treat prostate cancer. The idea is to insert the radioactive NPs solution directly inside the cancer with a syringe. Although the synthesis of gold nanoparticles is extensively reported, in the majority of cases the methodology is confuse and/or not clear. Besides that, the toxicity of the reactants and stability during reactor activation must be taken into account when developing products for medical applications. We describe a new synthesis methodology for radioactive gold-198 NPs.
Methods: 0.1 mM HAuCl4 containing 100 μL of 1 M NaOH was prepared in a flask equipped with a reflux condenser. The solution was brought to boil and stirred with a PTFE-coated magnetic stir-bar. Then 5 mL of Na3Ctr was rapidly added. The reaction turn from light yellow to clear, black, dark purple until the solution attained a wine-red color (2-3 min). The reaction was allowed to proceed for 7 more minutes (completing 10 in total). 1 mL of the nanoparticle solution was separated to undergo activation in IPEN´s IEA-01 reactor for activation.
Results: Dynamic light scattering (DLS) confirmed 8 nm particles. The presence of gold-198 (197.968 g/mol; half-life: 2.69517; decay mode: β−; average energy: 1.3723 MeV) was confirmed by an ORTEC HPGE detector. DLS was performed after complete decay confirming the 8 nm diameter maintenance.
Conclusion: We were able to achieve radioactive gold-198 NPs and are performing further studies such as: coating reactions, in-vitro and in-vivo studies. (Supporting document show a TEM image of the nanoparticles and the reaction color change described in methods.)
Not Applicable / None Entered.
TH- Brachytherapy: prostate brachytherapy
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