(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To compare the results of Monte-Carlo simulations of proton radiography using energy resolved dose measurements with experiments.
Methods: A solid wedge of dimensions 35 cm x 35 cm (HxW) is kept in the path of a scanned pencil beam of protons. A flat panel detector kept behind the wedge, measures the dose. The energy of the beam is changed from 65 MeV to 250 MeV in steps of 5 MeV from which the energy resolved dose functions (ERDF) at different water equivalent thickness are estimated. This entire setup is simulated and the ERDF is retrieved in a similar manner. The simulation parameters like the thickness of the detector, noise background are changed to match the experimental data to the best extent possible.
Results: Preliminary results show a good match between experimental and simulation data provided optimal parameters are chosen in the simulation. The linearity of the dose response of the detector is a crucial factor that needs to be considered in the simulations.
Conclusion: We have studied here the comparison between the experimental and simulations of ERDF. From the preliminary results, we conclude that, it is indeed feasible to estimate the ERDF directly from simulations.
Radiography, Protons, Image Analysis
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