(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: RT treatment record maintain most critical and highly sensitive private treatment delivery information in radiation therapy,RTPACS.The new blockchain technology provides a transparent,immutable and shared history of all the transactions.It can provide a unique opportunity to develop a secure and trustable Electronic RT Treatment Record (ERTR) data management and sharing system.We propose a new p2p cloud storage blockchain framework named Ethereum to perform managing and sharing ERTR data.These work can avoid possible transfer error or fault and reduce the overall cost during various ERTR data significantly.
Methods: ERTR data for treated patients to be shared were encrypted and hashed before they were stored in blockchain cloud.If one peer was off-line,the key management process and the access control policy were encoded in an Ethereum chain code to ensure data security and patient's privacy.Any registered physician or physicist can access and upload data in the cloud repository based on control policy defined by the implemented in the blockchain logic.An Ethereum framework is deployed on every node that acts as a validating peer.
Results: ERTR can be a digital block that contains information about all the data files uploaded to the cloud by different physicians. A pointer to the files that is stored in the cloud, the path to file, the Hash of the data file to ensure enforceability of the data stored in the Ethereum cloud, and the timestamp of the event when the data file was uploaded.
Conclusion: For the future work,we will extend the structure of ERTR to other area,such as including the possibility of sharing RT images.The long term goal is to create a universal blockchain based Ethereum that enables care team members to easily communicate with each other while allowing the members to access and share data with respect to the access control policy defined by the patients.
Software, Structure Analysis, Transformation
TH- Dataset analysis/biomathematics: Informatics
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