(Wednesday, 8/1/2018) 10:15 AM - 11:50 AM
Room: Room 201A
Imaging protocol management and distribution systems has become a crucial component of dynamic quality assurance programs of modern imaging environments. Functionalities of these systems have grown from simple dose (index) monitoring, to the collection, cleansing, warehousing, exploration, and visualization of valuable operational and dosimetry data, as well as providing intellectual data aggregation for answering various clinically relevant questions.
The Guided Tours will begin with an introduction of the topic from a data science perspective, from which the underlying data pipeline and system components are introduced.
Following the tour leader’s presentation, participants in the guided tours will split into groups and led by a tour guide to participating vendors showcasing their solutions. Each vendor will present educational materials to the guided tour participants.
The tour leader’s introduction will cover imaging protocol management and distribution systems from the following aspects:
1. Past development and current status
2. The data pipeline – data collection, warehousing, exploration, and visualization
3. Clinical applications
4. Advanced functionalities and outlook
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand how imaging protocol management and distribution systems assist quality assurance programs in diagnostic imaging
2. Understand how clinical and operational data are collected/processed/handled by various system components
3. Gain familiarity with the latest commercially available solutions from different vendors
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Co-PI, Evaluation of Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction, Canon Medical Systems USA
Due limited capacity of each tour (up to 40 individuals), participation will be first come/first served. SAM credit is available.
-Go to the Room 201A to check-in promptly at the listed start time. You will be given a ticket, which will be collected at the end of the tour.
-Sit for a short introduction on the selected topic.
-Walk to predetermined vendor booths to hear about related products.
-Turn in your ticket to the tour leader at the conclusion of the tour.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Co-PI, Evaluation of Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction, Canon Medical Systems USA
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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