(Tuesday, 7/31/2018) 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 8
Purpose: The current dose tracking system (DTS) has been modified to provide skin dose mapping during fluoroscopically-guided imaging procedures performed with a new high definition detector.
Methods: The DTS provides a real-time color-coded display of the skin dose distribution on a patient graphic during fluoroscopic procedures performed with the Canon interventional angiographic system. A new high definition detector has been introduced that can be switched between a standard flat-panel detector (FPD) and a higher definition (Hi-Def), but smaller field of view, zoom mode. The DTS was modified to recognize from system network signals when the Hi-Def zoom is being used so the dose can be tracked separately from that of the FPD and so the appropriate correction factors can be applied. Correction factors that account for the change in patient backscatter and table forward scatter were determined for the field sizes used with both modes. This was done from measurements with a 0.6 cc ionization chamber for an anthropomorphic head phantom to simulate the conditions of neurointerventional procedures.
Results: The modified DTS can provide composite and individual-detector skin dose distributions for both modes of a new detector with Hi-Def zoom capability. Appropriate correction factors for patient backscatter and table forward scatter have been determined as a function of field size and the factors range from 1.08 to 1.43 for the Hi-Def mode and 1.49 to 1.64 for the FPD mode. The reduced scatter contribution with the Hi-Def results in correspondingly reduced skin dose.
Conclusion: The DTS can be used to estimate the skin dose distributions for procedures performed using the new detector with Hi-Def zoom capability and can separate contributions to the distributions for each mode for effective dose management.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Canon Medical Systems funded the research for their new high-definition detector.
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