(Monday, 7/30/2018) 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 1
Purpose: To analyze the functionality of the Microsoft Kinect V2 to implement a fluoroscopic interventional staff-tracking program for managing personnel dose. By tracking staff members, a real-time display can provide scatter dose values at their locations during the procedure. If identification of the staff members can be maintained throughout the procedure, then an estimated integral dose can be assigned to each member.
Methods: Body and separately face-tracking tests with and without surgical face-masks were conducted, for one and two subjects, out to ten feet from the camera support structure. Successful identification was rated in 25% increments of the tested time period. The face-tracking FOV was determined by tilting the subject’s head until tracking identification was lost. The body-tracking FOV was determined by tilting the Kinect, again, until tracking was lost.
Results: The body-tracking algorithm could identify one subject and two subjects from three to ten feet from the Kinect with 100% consistency. From six to ten feet the face-tracking performance did not change; unmasked performance for one and two subjects was 100% and masked was 50%. Between three and five feet, performance fell for all tested face-tracking scenarios. The results from the FOV test determined that bodies within a seventy-seven degree vertical arc from the Kinect sensor can be tracked. If the Kinect is within a ninety-five degree vertical arc measured from the nose of the subject, the subject’s face can be tracked. Identity of a tracked individual is maintained provided face and body-tracking are not lost simultaneously. This allows identity assignments to remain accurate in the dynamic procedure environment.
Conclusion: A Kinect camera mounted on the procedure room ceiling can provide adequate body-tracking capabilities to localize staff members. Camera placement near fluoroscopic display height is needed to provide adequate face-tracking capabilities to maintain identity of staff members simultaneously.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This research was supported by Canon Medical Systems.
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