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Surface Image Guided Radiotherapy Monitoring Systems

A Yock1*, (1) Vanderbilt university Medical Ctr, Nashville, TN


(Tuesday, 7/31/2018) 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Room: Room 201B

The therapy track for the 2018 Exhibit Hall Guided Tours will focus on surface image guided radiotherapy monitoring systems. The tour leader will introduce the concept of surface image guidance and will describe some of the techniques and applications of these systems. Following the introduction, tour guides will lead participants to several vendors that will showcase their surface image guided radiotherapy monitoring systems and provide educational materials.

The tour leader will introduce surface image guided radiotherapy monitoring systems by discussing the following topics:

1) Available technology and techniques
2) Factors influencing system performance
3) Commissioning and quality assurance of systems
4) Applicable treatment sites

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the variety of techniques used by surface image guided radiotherapy monitoring systems
2. Understand factors that affect their performance of these systems
3. Understand appropriate commissioning and quality assurance measures for these sys

Due limited capacity of each tour (up to 40 individuals), participation will be first come/first served. SAM credit is available.
-Go to the Room 201B to check-in promptly at the listed start time. You will be given a ticket, which will be collected at the end of the tour.
-Sit for a short introduction on the selected topic.
-Walk to predetermined vendor booths to hear about related products.
-Turn in your ticket to the tour leader at the conclusion of the tour.


Not Applicable / None Entered.


Not Applicable / None Entered.

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