(Monday, 7/30/2018) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Room: Room 202
The purpose of this symposium is to review recent advances in imaging of the brain (neurodegenerative disease) and of the cardiac, cerebrovascular, and musculoskeletal systems. In all those organ systems, the role of imaging increasingly involves functional assessment using a variety of time-resolved, biochemical, and metabolic techniques. Such functional imaging techniques range from perfusion CT to functional MRI (fMRI) to cardiac MRI tagging to weight-bearing Cone-Beam CT (CBCT). Enabled by developments in scanner hardware and algorithms, functional imaging has transformed diagnostic workflows and remains and active area of research, in particular in investigation of novel biomarkers for early detection of disease.
The lectures in the symposium will discuss recent technological developments and clinical applications in: (i) cardiac imaging, in particular novel techniques for risk stratification in cardiovascular disease, (ii) physiologic imaging of brain perfusion to assess viability of tissue for eligibility for stroke intervention and to enable individualized treatment strategies that are not constrained by time criteria, (iii) MRI and PET-based biomarkers of cognitive function in dementias (including longitudinal imaging), and (iv) musculoskeletal radiology, in particular imaging of joint kinematics and inflammation.
This symposium will provide an overview of the functional signals across all those applications. Acquisition methods, post-processing techniques and image analysis algorithms will be discussed. The talks will emphasize current and emerging diagnostic applications, as well as applications in fundamental research on disease etiology and treatment.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the origin of signals in cardiac imaging, cerebrovascular imaging, imaging of neurodegenerative disease, and musculoskeletal imaging
2. Understand the increasing role of functional and longitudinal imaging across those body systems
3. Understand the current diagnostic applications
4. Identify the areas of ongoing development of new technologies and clinical applications
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: W. Zbijewski: research grants Carestream Health, Siemens AG
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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