(Thursday, 8/2/2018) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: Room 207
Purpose: The aim of this study was to set up acceptance criteria of the personal dose monitors (PDMs) for a Philips DoseAware system in an Interventional Room. The PDMs were tested for uniformity, different x-ray energies, distance, and accuracy.
Methods: 10 DoseAware PDMs were evaluated with a 20 cm Lucite phantom for scatter at an SID of 100 cm with on Philips Azurion ClarityIQ interventional room at various distances, peak tube potential settings and over a set period of time. Results from the PDMs were compared to measurements from a Ludlum 9DP ionization survey meter.
Results: The results demonstrate a good uniformity of response at different distances and were consistent to the inverse square law. The integrated doses over time of 1 minute were fairly uniform and agreed with real-time display exposure rates. The PDM’s exposure response was consistent and uniform for the two x-ray energies tested at 67 kVp and 88 kVp. In a separate preliminary test earlier for a DoseAware system in an interventional lab, there was one PDM found there that varied by about 25% from the main group average. In this case here for the 10 tested PDMs all were determined to be uniform within about 12%.
Conclusion: The results demonstrate a good uniformity of response at different distances, time, and x-ray energies. The uniformity results also demonstrated good agreement between the real-time doses rates displayed in the room above the table and the integrated doses calculated in DoseView. Since there can be some variance in uniformity of the PDMs, it is advisable at acceptance testing to verify and check uniformity of the individual PDMs against the group average.
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