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Miniature Endoscope for in Vivo Multimodal Imaging

X Dai1*, H Jiang2 , L Xing3 , (1) Stanford Univ, School of Medicine, Stanford, CA,(2) University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, (3) Stanford Univ, School of Medicine, Stanford, CA


(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 2:05 PM - 3:00 PM

Room: Room 207

Purpose: Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) can map optical absorbers in biological tissue with a high resolution and contrast, while optical coherence tomography (OCT) is able to provide light scattering features of tissue, and ultrasound (US) could penetrate deeply into tissues and provide elastically structural information. It is attractive and challenging to integrate these three imaging modalities into a miniature probe, through which, both optical absorption and scattering information of tissues as well as deep-tissue structure can be obtained.

Methods: We present a novel side-view probe integrating PAI, OCT and US imaging based on a double-clad fiber which is used as a common optical path for PAI (light delivery) and OCT (light delivery/detection), and a 40 MHz unfocused ultrasound transducer for PAI (photoacoustic detection) and US (ultrasound transmission/receiving) with an overall diameter of 1.0 mm.

Results: Phantom experiments, ex vivo, and in vivo studies have been performed to demonstrate that the multimodal endoscope has the capability for in vivo imaging to help either early diagnosis or image-guided therapy.

Conclusion: The miniature endoscope has the potential to be used for imaging of internal organs such as arteries, GI tracks, esophagus, and prostate in both humans and animals.


High-resolution Imaging, Optical Imaging, Vascular Imaging


IM- Multi-modality imaging systems: Development (new technology and techniques)

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