(Tuesday, 7/31/2018) 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 8
Purpose: To investigate and quantify the increase of 18F-FDG uptake in the ovaries following radiation and chemotherapy. Ovary is a radiation sensitive organ that can take up high amount of FDG because of inflammation followed by tumor treatment in other organs. In this study, we evaluated the FDG-avidity of the ovaries in patients with the history of tumor treatment with either radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
Methods: Four groups of patients were included in this study: 1) patients who received chemotherapy, 2) patients who underwent external beam radiotherapy, 3) patients who received internal radiation therapy (with I-131 radionuclide) and 4) patients that did not receive any of these treatment (control group). The FDG PET/CT scans of 19 women of reproductive age (12–50 years) referred for the assessment of various malignancies were evaluated. Patients with the history of ovarian cancer and/or experiencing menstrual bleeding at the time of the PET scan were excluded from the study. The maximum of standardized uptake value, SUVmax, was chosen as the metric for ovarian FDG uptake. Circular regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn around the ovaries in FDG PET images for SUV calculation.
Results: The highest FDG uptake was observed in the patient who treated with I-131 (SUVmax 5.046 in the left ovary). Mean SUVmax in this group was 3.53. Among the other study groups, patients who received external beam radiation showed highest ovary FDG uptake (mean SUVmax=2.14±0.29). Patients who had chemotherapy typically had lower FDG uptake (mean SUVmax =1.73±0.87) which is still considerably higher than the FDG SUVmax in our control group (mean SUVmax=1.57±0.34).
Conclusion: The results show highest uptake of FDG in ovaries of the patients who received internal and external radiotherapy. Chemotherapy was associated with modest increase of ovarian FDG uptake. The study is currently being expanded to include larger number of patients.
FDG PET, Radiation Therapy, Quantitative Imaging
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