(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM
Room: Room 207
Purpose: To evaluate the image quality of both dual-energy (DE) tissue-subtracted and digital radiography (DR) images obtained with a novel single-shot, triple-layer flat-panel detector and compare its performance with a dual-shot kVp switching system and a single-shot dual-layer flat panel detector with a copper mid-filter.
Methods: A tissue-mimicking non-anatomical phantom was constructed using aluminum as a bone substitute and acrylic as a soft-tissue substitute. Two step wedges were built out of these materials (in 1mm steps ranging from 0 to 4mm for aluminum, and 0.5’’ steps ranging from 1 to 3’’ for acrylic) and placed perpendicularly to evaluate the material-subtracting capabilities of each detector under increasing amounts of opposite material type. The phantom was imaged using the three DE techniques: a dual-shot system; a single shot dual-layer flat-panel detector with a 1mm copper mid-filter and the novel single shot triple-layer detector. The resulting material-subtracted images were compared by measuring signal difference to noise ratio per root entrance exposure (SDNRpX) at each of the phantom’s steps. Since these imaging systems are also capable of simultaneously generating DR images, their quality was evaluated using detective quantum efficiency (DQE).
Results: SDNRpX results show that all three techniques produce comparable DE images. However, DQE measurements show significantly reduced quality of DR images for the dual-layer detector while the other two techniques produce comparable results to conventional DR.
Conclusion: The comparable quality of DE and DR images taken with the single-shot triple-layer detector and the dual-shot technique, together with the advantages of the triple-layer approach (i.e. real-time operation, portability, absence of motion artifacts, and easy integration with existing DR systems) indicates that the triple-layer detector can potentially bring DE imaging to real-time and mobile DR, something that does not exist today.
Dual-energy Imaging, Flat-panel Imagers, DQE
IM- X-ray: Dual-energy and spectral
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