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Refraction Images Produce More Information Than Absorption Images for Hepatic Fibrosis in X-Ray Diffraction Enhanced Imaging Computed Tomography

J Duan1*, (1) Shandong Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong


(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 9

Purpose: To further investigate whether the refraction contrast can obtain more information than absorption contrast for hepatic �brosis in X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging computed tomography (DEI-CT).

Methods: Normal and hepatic �brosis models were setup in rats induced by human albumin and evaluated by X-ray DEI-CT. We acquired the absorption images and refraction images for the same specimen. Pathology was used to identify the characters of the specimen as a comparison. Avoiding large vessels, we delineated ten regions of interest (ROIs) in the absorption images. Then, the ROIs were matched to the refraction images for the same specimen. 78 radiomic features were extracted from each ROI using 3D Slicer radiomics software, including 19 first-order statistical features and 59 textural features.

Results: Refraction images had higher (signal noise ratio, SNR) than absorption images. It clearly displayed the vessel microstructures and the liver parenchyma. 24 radiomic features were found significant difference in the refraction images for normal liver group and hepatic �brosis group. However, in the absorption images, only 3 radiomic features were found significant difference.

Conclusion: The study shows that refraction images can produce more information than absorption images for hepatic �brosis in DEI-CT. It holds great promise for the research of hepatic �brosis noninvasive imaging.


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