Room: Exhibit Hall | Forum 3
Purpose: To develop a Standard format to record DNA Damage (SDD) at the interface between simulations of damage induction and the onset of biological repair processes.
Methods: Based on an international survey amongst researchers in radiation damage modelling we developed a flexible standard that includes sufficient information from both sides of the SDD interface. To allow a detailed description of both the simulated irradiation setup and the subsequent cell repair, the standard consists of both mandatory and optional fields. Variables with defined units and data format (integers, floats, Booleans) are used when possible. Free text fields are added to allow for additional information about the radiation field and model-specific characteristics of the DNA structure or microenvironment.
Results: The SDD consists of 24 header fields that attempt to capture relevant information such as the simulation software, source parameters and information relevant for DNA repair kinetics. The damage records are stored in a data block that consists of 3 required entries for a minimum damage specification and an additional 11 fields that are recommended to be provided if the information is available. The data block offers a location of the damage and either a high level numerical damage classification or full damage patterns (or both). Additional fields include the interacting particle types, the DNA sequence and time of damage induction. The latter can be important for low dose exposure (e.g. in space).
Conclusion: The proposed new Standard to record DNA Damage (SDD) aims to facilitate cross-comparisons between damage induction and repair models. A wide adoption of this format would greatly benefit the field by encouraging collaboration between institutes through easy sharing of DNA damage patterns. The SDD further provides insights on model dependencies and assumptions that could stay hidden without a platform for standardized comparisons.
TH- External Beam- Particle therapy: Proton therapy - computational dosimetry-Monte Carlo