(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To improve the accuracy of the measurement results by using the field output factor measurement method based on Daisy-Chaining.
Methods: The Varian Edge Accelerator 6MV X-ray data were measured using the IBA CC13 ionization chamber, the IBA Razor semiconductor detector and the Gafchromic EBT3 film respectively.
Results: Compared with the daisy-chaining measurement method, the result of conventional measurement method using CC13 is smaller, the deviation is 16.71% during measurement at 1 cm x 1 cm. The result of measurement via CC01 is bigger with the 8.39% deviation at filed size of 40cm x 40cm. The result of measurement via Razor is bigger with the 9.40% deviation at filed size of 40cm x 40cm. The result of measurement via EFD is bigger with the 9.14% deviation at filed size of 40cm x 40cm. For the film measurement, the result is much close to the daisy-chaining method at filed size above 1cm x 1cm, the deviation is within 1.60%, while the deviation increased to 3.13% at the filed size of 1cm x 1cm. The result is almost the same with daisy-chaining measurement if selecting 3cmx3cm or 4cmx4cm as the intermediate filed size, the deviation is 0.29% at maximum.
Conclusion: For the detectors response rely on the field size, the daisy-chaining measure method can be used to extend the measurement range and improve the accuracy of the measurement result.
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