(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To provide a simulation which allows radiology residents and radiographers to familiarize themselves with technique selection parameters and demonstrate the relationship of each parameter to radiation output and beam characteristics.
Methods: Three lab simulations are available, exposure measurement, half value layer, and absorber attenuation ratio. An introductory page is provided for each lab with an explanation of the principles demonstrated. In each simulation the user can set exposure parameters and make exposures. A table of exposure results is displayed and updated after each exposure. Results are also graphed and updated after each exposure.Each lab can be performed either with free selection of parameters or in a guided mode. In guided mode, users identify one parameter to be changed, specifying the remaining fixed parameters. A series of exposures can then be made varying only a single parameter. Simulation results were derived from actual beam measurements. A random function has been added to make the simulation more realistic.
Results: A simulated radiation measurement web site has been developed for radiology residents and radiographers. The website was originally developed as an adjunct to a set of hands-on labs first year residents attend early in their training. These simulations have been made freely available and may be accessed at http://www.radmasterinfo.com/dipr/simulations/radlabs/RadLabMenu.htm
Conclusion: Radiology residents and radiographers are expected to understand exposure parameters and how each affects radiographic output and beam quality. Simulations allow residents to gain this understanding by manipulating parameters and making measurements without access to an x-ray room, dosimeter, or instructor.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work has been previously accepted for presentation at the SEAAPM meeting on February 24, 2018. A publication covering these simulations will be submitted later in the year.
Simulation, Radiation Dosimetry
IM- X-ray: General (Most aspects)
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