(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM
Room: Davidson Ballroom B
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the 2D image quality of 3D intracavity probes with conventional 2D intracavity probes.
Methods: All measurements were performed on a GE LE9 scanner with both an IC5-9 (2D) and a RIC5-9 (3D) probe used in 2D mode with our clinical gynecologic exam preset. Selection of phantom targets and acquisition parameters were determined from analysis of 33 clinical pelvic exams. Depth of penetration (DOP), contrast response, contrast of anechoic cylinders (diameter: 6.7 mm) at 1.5 and 4.5 cm depths in transverse planes, and in-plane resolution represented by full-width half-maximum of pin targets at multiple depths were measured with transmit frequencies of 7 and 8 MHz in 0.5 dB/cm/MHz regions of a CIRS 040GSE phantom. SNR of spherical lesions (diameter: 4 mm and 2 mm) at multiple depths were measured at 8 MHz with a Gammex Sono408 0.5 dB/cm/MHz phantom.
Results: At 8 MHz, DOP of RIC5-9 (64.3±7.8 mm) was lower than for IC5-9 (69.4±7.8 mm) and contrast response of RIC5-9 (4.2±0.1 dB�¹) was comparable to that of IC5-9 (3.9±0.3 dB�¹). The anechoic cylinder contrast of RIC5-9 (17.7±0.9 dB) was lower than that of IC5-9 (21.5±0.8 dB) at 4.5 cm depth while the anechoic contrast difference between two probes was closer at 1.5 cm depth (RIC5-9: 38.9±0.5 dB; IC5-9: 40.3±0.3 dB). Spatial resolution of RIC5-9 was comparable to that of IC5-9 at all depths. A similar trend between the two probes was observed with 7 MHz acquisitions. RIC5-9 demonstrated a higher SNR (SNR=22.9) for 4 mm spherical lesions at shallow depth (1.5 cm) than IC5-9 (SNR=19.4) while the difference was less at greater depths. For 2 mm spherical lesions, SNR performances for the two probes were similar.
Conclusion: 2D images from a 3D probe exhibited sufficient image quality for routine clinical pelvic imaging.
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IM- Ultrasound : General (Most aspects)
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