(Monday, 7/30/2018) 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Room: Room 207
From a recent commentary article from Arwood et. al., it calls “care for patients, not for charts�. Many physicists spend a good amount time to check “charts� for new patients and for patients under-treatment, yet their knowledge of clinical intents and dosimetric clinical goals in treatment planning are limited, making the chart checking more or less as a check-list check, without verifying plan quality and clinical intents. It is an example of “care for charts, not for patients�.
This education session, is dedicated to Dr. Lynn Verhey, who passed away recently. Dr. Verhey was a pioneer in IMRT treatment planning and delivery. Under his leadership, he emphasized physicists’ involvements in treatment planning, caring for patients through designing high quality and individualized treatment plans. Five invited speakers will discuss:(1) what is medical physicist role in clinical practice; (2) physicists’ roles in treatment planning of photon therapy; (3) Physicists’ role in treatment planning of stereotactic body radiotherapy; (4) Physicists’ role in treatment planning of proton therapy; (5) physicists’ role in implementation of MRI only treatment planning.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learning how to be effective clinical physicists, directly involving in all aspects of treatment planning .
2. Learning why directly involving in treatment planning makes clinical physicists better achieving caring for patients, not for charts.
3. Learning how to play an important role to advance treatment planning techniques.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Ping Xia received a research grant from Philips
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