(Tuesday, 7/31/2018) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: Room 207
CT dose monitoring is mandated by the joint commission and other credentialing agencies. These requirements result in a set of tasks that need to be performed regularly in clinical practice. Given the number and variety of different CT studies, these tasks are tedious and can be time consuming. Four specific tasks will be described in this session, (1) generating institutional benchmarks, (2) comparing local CT doses to external benchmarks, (3) generating alerts, (4) setting up reports (i.e., leapfrog pediatric CT doses). Following a didactic introduction, commercial tools to effectively accomplish these tasks will be demonstrated in a hands-on workshop. Participating CT dose-monitoring solution providers include GE dose watch, Imalogix, Radimetrics Enterprise Platform by Bayer Radiology, PACS health, Qaelum (Dose), SIEMENS teamplay.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn about CT dose monitoring regulatory requirements
2. Understand the basic tasks involved in CT dose monitoring
3. Gain hands-on experience in a workshop with dose monitoring software vendors
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: L. Schoenhofer is employee of Best Medical International. C. Hohenberger is an employee of Bayer U.S. LLC. D. Miller is an employee of GE Healthcare. N. Fitousi is an employee of Qaelum. J. Heil is an employee of Imalogix. P. Shen is an employee of Siemens Healthcare.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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