(Thursday, 8/2/2018) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: Karl Dean Ballroom A2
Recent clinical use of IMRT under real-time MRI guidance represents the next most significant technical innovation in radiation therapy, and is expected to become widely adopted in the next decade. Despite widespread IMRT treatments at modern radiation therapy clinics, precise dosimetric commissioning and validation of an IMRT system remains a challenge. The magnetic field introduces another dimension of error and uncertainty to the already error-prone IMRT process. Furthermore, onboard MRI-guidance, for the first time, allows for online re-planning according to physical or functional changes to the target volume and organs-at-risk. However, with the patient in the treatment position, it is impossible to validate the newly created plan’s calculation and delivery accuracy using conventional pre-treatment QA approaches with phantoms/dosimeters. Consequently, ensuring safety and quality control during adaptive therapy is a significant challenge in ensuring its widespread adoption and continued development. In this session, we will review current dosimetry methods for IMRT under real-time MRI guidance, including absolute dosimetry, beam data acquisition, Monte Carlo based computational dosimetry, treatment planning consideration, and patient specific QA with and without adaptive.
Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the challenges for radiation therapy dosimetry subject to a magnetic field
2. To understand the dose response of selected dosimeters in magnetic fields
3. To understand the role of Monte Carlo based computational dosimetry in MRgRT
4. To understand current dosimetry techniques for adaptive MRgRT QA
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