(Monday, 7/30/2018) 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Karl Dean Ballroom A1
The use of proton therapy to treat cancer patients is growing both nationally as well as internationally. Accompanying its increased use are novel developments in treatment planning, plan verification and delivery.
Proton therapy is uniquely sensitive to anatomical changes. The use of multiple CTs at the time of treatment planning is explored in an effort to anticipate those changes and generate treatment plans with an enhanced robustness.
Verification of treatment plans is an integral component of the quality assurance process. Traditional measurement based methods serve this purpose. However, a novel QA program based on non-traditional methods is explored that is both more efficient and comprehensive.
During treatment delivery the interplay effect of spot scanning plans with mobile targets is of concern. The delivery sequence of spot scanning plans can be modified in an effort to increase the robustness against targets that move with breathing. A spot repainting method designed to distribute the delivery of each energy layer evenly throughout the breathing cycle is presented.
Three expert speakers will present novel developments in proton therapy.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the unique sensitivity of proton plans to anatomical changes and learn how the use of multiple CTs can reduce a plan’s sensitivity.
2. Understand how non-traditional tools can be employed for comprehensive and efficient quality assurance of patient plans.
3. Understand the potential interplay effect between target motion and treatment dynamics. Learn about a repainting technique that is designed to reduce the interplay effects.
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