(Tuesday, 7/31/2018) 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Room: Karl Dean Ballroom C
Mathematical modeling has played an important role in developing hypotheses to be tested in clinical trials using radiation therapy and for optimizing their design. Especially in the area of accelerated fractionation and hypofractionation, radiobiological models have played a central role in trial design and estimating the therapeutic benefit.
However, the increasing complexity of treatment regimen and the use of biological agents in combination with radiotherapy have emphasized the need for approaches encompassing the entire treatment, not only the radiotherapy.
This session will review approaches to model cancer treatment beyond radiation therapy. It will introduce how to account for interactions of biological agents & chemotherapy with radiation using a range of methodologies, from phenomenological approaches to mechanistic models. A focus will be placed on models that account for both biological and physical processes, such as chemotherapy drug transport barriers, e.g. from convection-diffusion, which can contribute significantly to overall resistance. Recent advances in biomechanical finite element modeling for multi-modal image alignment or prediction of anatomical deformations during therapies will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the different approaches to model chemotherapy & targeted agents in combination with radiotherapy using various methodologies.
2. Appreciate the differences between phenomenological and mechanistic approaches and to which type of data and research question they are applicable.
3. To understand the potential of anatomical modeling with biomechanics for multi-modal or longitudinal image analysis.
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