(Tuesday, 7/31/2018) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: Room 209
In 2010, the Professional Council proposed a new category of AAPM guidelines, titled Medical Physics Practice Guidelines (MPPGs), to describe the minimum level of medical physics support deemed necessary for a given scope of clinical physics services. The AAPM Board of Directors approved the proposal in 2011. Since then, eight MPPGs have been published and two others are nearing publication. This session will explore the impact of MPPGs on clinical physics practice.
According to the AAPM, “MPPGs are intended to provide the medical community with a clear description of the minimum level of medical physics support that AAPM would consider to be prudent in all clinical practice settings. Support includes but is not limited to staffing, equipment, machine access, and training. These MPPGs are not designed to replace extensive Task Group reports or review articles, but rather to describe the recommended minimum level of medical physics support for specific clinical services.�
A panel of four speakers will present their experience with implementation of a specific MPPG in their practice. Each speaker will relate their experience with the planning for implementation, obstacles encountered, time constraints or considerations, and how the implementation of the MPPG has impacted the clinical physics service. For imaging physics, experience with MPPG 1.a (CT protocol management) and 6.a (radiation dose index monitoring systems) will be presented. For therapy physics, experience with MPPG 5.a (treatment planning system dose calculations) and 8.a (linear accelerator performance tests) will be presented.
A panel discussion with audience questions will follow after the speakers’ presentations.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the purpose of the AAPM’s MPPG initiative
2. Understand the practical experience to date with implementation of MPPGs in community practice
3. Understand the impact of MPPGs on clinical physics practice.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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