(Monday, 7/30/2018) 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Davidson Ballroom A
Purpose: To create an automated data extraction and aggregation repository comprising heterogeneous data sources pertaining to treatment outcomes and patient care in Radiation Oncology practice; for comprehensive outcome assessment, quality assurance, and prospective decision support analytics.
Methods: An integrated data curation, storage and analytics portal, HINGE (Health Information Gateway and Exchange), was built that can extract and aggregate DICOM-RT data from TPS, treatment data from TMS, and clinical data from EHR. HINGE would integrate the data from these disparate sources coherently and prepare it for quality assessment and predictive analytics. HINGE database is based on well-defined quality measures defined by disease site experts in radiation oncology. HINGE has (i) tools to aggregate data from structured clinical workflow templates from initial consult to follow up (ii) Dose volume information from built-in DICOM-RT parser, (iii) natural language processing (NLP) module to extract relevant physician assessments from the clinician notes, (iii) decision-support and genomics module to provide supplementary insight to treatment predictions, treatment outcomes and research hypotheses. HINGE application would be deployed at each local radiation oncology facility and transmit information to a centralized QA server thus facilitating big data analytics.
Results: HINGE is capable of seamlessly connecting to local IT/medical infrastructure via network and performs data extraction and aggregation without human intervention. The built-in modules (TMS extraction, DICOM parser, NLP) extract defined clinical data and are easily extendable. The modules of decision-support and genomics provide preliminary insights into the patient's treatment and health profile.
Conclusion: HINGE facilitates accurate data collection from clinical process by gathering structured clinical, dosimetry and treatment data and assessment tools. HINGE provides tools to assess variations in radiation oncology practices, outcomes, and gaps in radiotherapy quality delivered by each provider.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This project is funded under the VA ROPA contract
Data Acquisition, Quality Assurance, Quality Control
IM/TH- Formal quality management tools: General (most aspects)
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