(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To quantify the relative dose to different parts of the operator’s body in an interventional radiology suite in both clinical and phantom studies. The project also explored the reduction of operator dose on newer machines with pulsed fluoroscopy capability versus an older, continuous fluoroscopy unit.
Methods: Mirion Instadose+ direct ion storage dosimetry badges were tested for reliability. The badges were placed outside the radiologist’s protective gear on the head, shoulders, and waist on the left and right sides of the body. Additional badges where placed on the left and right sides under the protective gear at the waist. The badges were worn and read out three times throughout various interventional fluoroscopy procedures, which were performed by the same radiologist using an under-table generator angiography unit. The experiment was repeated for 20 minutes of fluoroscopy time using a torso phantom on the patient table for scatter, and a tissue-equivalent Rando phantom standing upright next to the patient table as a stand-in for the operator. The controlled geometry experiment was repeated on several different angiography or rad fluoro units with different pulse rates, settings, and shielding.
Results: The badges during both the real patient trials and the controlled geometry experiment show that exposure was higher on the left side of the head and left shoulder than the right side of the head and right shoulder. Results also showed a higher exposure at the waist than the head and shoulders. Badge readings from units with pulsed fluoroscopy capability were significantly lower than continuous fluoroscopy units.
Conclusion: The exposure distribution on the radiologist during actual interventional fluoroscopy procedures showed left- and right-side differences as well height differences. These results were confirmed using a tissue-equivalent phantom in a controlled geometry situation, which was also used to show the exposure reduction resulting from pulsed fluoroscopy.
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