(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: A Monte Carlo (MC) code can support development of treatment planning procedures, treatment plan verification and Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) research. A GPU-accelerated MC Treatment Planning System (TPS) Fred (Schiavi et al. 2017) developed at the University of Rome (Italy) has been commissioned against the physical beam model used for patient treatment in Krakow PBT centre (Poland) aiming to support in the near future physical dose verification, biological dose calculation with variable RBE and 4D dose verification of moving target treatments.
Methods: Exploiting the fast proton tracking rate achievable using GPU cards (10^7 protons/s), thousands of pencil beams with various energy, momentum spread and beam size were simulated in a water phantom to obtain the best characterization of the clinical proton beam model in Fred MC code. Thereafter, the beam model implemented in commercial TPS and Fred MC was validated comparing depth dose distributions in water phantom for (i) single pencil beams (ii) quality assurance treatment plans of dose cubes calculated with different modulation at different depths and (iii) treatment plan verification fields of head and neck patients treated in Krakow. For all the computed plans we analyzed dose profiles and gamma index (GI) values.
Results: A good agreement of dose computations performed with TPS and Fred MC code was obtained. For tens recalculated dose cubes and patient treatment fields we obtained GI greater than 95% for 3%/3mm passing criterium. Examples of dose profiles are shown in supplementary materials. The procedure, challenges and limitation of proton therapy clinical beam model implementation in the GPU-accelerated MC will be presented.
Conclusion: The in-house developed, GPU-capable Fred MC code was validated against the TPS beam model used clinically in Krakow PBT centre. Fred offers accuracy, flexibility, and high dose calculation speed impossible to achieve with the currently available commercial systems.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This project is carried out within the Reintegration programme of the Founda- tion for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. This research was supported in part by the PL- Grid Infrastructure.
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