(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to fabricate and dosimetric evaluation of in-house inexpensive HDR brachytherapy multichannel applicator and multichannel QA phantom for vaginal brachytherapy.
Methods: Both the HDR multichannel vaginal applicator and multichannel QA phantom was fabricated using perspex. To prevent displacement of the applicator, I have made a extra supporting curved plate to tie the applicator with patient. The QA phantom consists of 20cm x 20cm box and the same dimension of the multichannel applicator fixed in the one side of the phantom. Applicator can be fixed in the center of the phantom and filled with water. The phantom has the provision to insert the 2 numbers of 20cm x 20cm plates, which has many holes to insert the Gafchromic films, TLD and OSLD dosimeters.
Results: The multichannel applicator and QA phantom design improves the dosimetry over single channel applicators and shows that a uniform dose around the applicator as compared to single channel. In addition a more uniform dose distribution can be attained. The multichannel applicator allows much better dose control than the central channel applicator. The multichannel applicator achieves lower bladder and rectal doses by 15% and 17%, respectively, when compared to the central channel applicator.
Conclusion: The multichannel applicator enables more flexibility in isodose shaping and dose control to various points and structures when compared to the conventional central channel applicator. It is consistent with one of the QA aims that is achieving a desired level of accuracy and precision in the dose delivery. Our findings showed that this QA phantom after minor corrections can be used as a method of choice for intercomparison analysis of TPS and to fill the existing gap for accurate QA program in intracavitary brachytherapy.
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