(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: To explore the application of Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) as an integrated environment for delivering radiotherapy wisely and safely to patients.
Methods: Investigation has been made to implement IoT and AI to provide an integrated environment for radiotherapy delivery. IoT is a natural development of internet technology, which is an integrated network of both hardware and software layers, including medical devices, wearable devices, etc. The connectivity and data exchange between IoT devices are realized through embedded electronics, software, sensors, and actuators. Each device (Thing) is uniquely identifiable but interoperable within the IoT infrastructure. Application of IoT devices in radiotherapy may be traced back to radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, arguably the precursor of IoT devices. RFID tags have been used in radiotherapy for patient identification, implantable in-vivo dosimetry, and motion monitoring. However, they are largely standalone. The current and emerging applications of IoT are mostly focused on accurate and safely delivering of radiation to patient. This is further strengthened by data exchange between IoT devices and the Cloud, and outcome analysis by AI technology such as machine learning. Integrated IoT and AI for radiotherapy can be expanded from hospitals and health systems to regional, national, and international scale. However, there is a unique challenge application of IoT device in radiotherapy. IoT device as an electronic device will under impact of ionizing radiation, which is common and unavoidable in radiotherapy. Depends on how much dose and what kind of radiation, for example photon, electron, or neutron, etc., the device could be permanently or transiently lose its function.
Results: It is possible to implement an integrated IoT and AI environment for radiotherapy though unique challenge exists.
Conclusion: IoT and AI can be integrated to provide a real-time delivering radiotherapy to patient safely, accurately, comfortably, and with better outcomes.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
IM/TH- Formal quality management tools: General (most aspects)
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