(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: Recent studies have proposed the use of smart radiotherapy biomaterials (SRBs) that can be used for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) but also serve to deliver payloads of radiosensitisers or drugs to boost treatment outcomes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential use of such SRBs in place of currently used fiducial markers or Calypso beacons employed for motion management during radiotherapy.
Methods: SRBs were developed similar to traditional fiducial markers and Calypso beacons used for IGRT. The SRBs were imaged in-vivo using a Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) to demonstrate potential for CT-imaging localisation. The release of payloads incorporated into the SRBs was quantified over time. Using Pubmed and Google Scholar the number of publications and centres using fiducial markers with or without ExacTrac, as well as Calypso beacons over the past years were estimated and analysed, as well as the different tumour sites and sizes.
Results: Results showed excellent CT-imaging contrast for the SRBs and evidence of sustained delivery of payloads incorporated in the SRBs, evinced by diminishing SRB CT contrast as SRB degrades and tumour growth inhibition. Based on our analysis, the types of tumours that could benefit from the use of SRBs include the indications in the prostate, lung, liver, spine, and brain. The size of the tumours included prostate (≤ 90 cm³), lung (≤ 5 cm), liver (≤ 6 cm), spine (< 4 cm), and brain (< 30 cm³).
Conclusion: Our results demonstrate major potential for employing SRBs in place of currently used implantable devices used during radiotherapy for motion management.
Image Guidance, Biological Dosimetry, Radioimmunotherapy
TH- Small Animal RT: Outcome analysis
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