(Sunday, 7/29/2018) 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Purpose: The evaluation of treatment plans, and in particular the comparison of the dose distribution, is usually done in a subjective way. Literature provides many methods of quantitative comparison of treatment plans, nevertheless the possibilities of using them directly in treatment planning systems - also as popular as Eclipse TPS - are very limited.The calculation of appropriate indexes outside of TPS requires dose-volume histograms (DVH) export and time-consuming, error prone data processing, which makes the whole process ineffective in clinical practice.In order to overcome the described difficulties, the aim was to create a tool integrated with TPS Eclipse for quantitative comparative analysis of treatment plans, the use of which will not disturb the treatment plan preparation. The tool should allow the user to choose treatment plan evaluation index and it should allow to consider treatment priorities
Methods: To achieve the goals, the Eclipse Scripting API (ESAPI) was used, which gives access to many treatment plan parameters and allows to create applications integrated with the Eclipse system. According to the ESAPI methodology, the domain logic of the program was prepared in C #, the graphic user interface in WPF, and also the libraries provided by VMS were used: VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API, VMS.TPS.Common.Model. Types. The Linq to Objects component was used to improve collections manipulation.
Results: The prepared software overlay (plugin) enables real time comparison of treatment plans by calculating several selected evaluation indexes (Radiation Planning Index, Conformity Index, Paddick CI, Homogenity Index, Gradient Index) considering treatment priorities - anatomical structures with assigned weights.
Conclusion: The presented (scripting in Eclipse) method can significantly facilitate the final decision on the selection of the treatment plan without prolonging the entire treatment preparation process.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Krzysztof Slosarek - scientific consultant at Varian Medical Systems Poland
TH- External beam- photons: treatment planning/virtual clinical studies
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