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Taxonomy: TH- Dataset Analysis/Biomathematics: Machine learning techniques

MO-I345-GePD-F2-5VMAT Plan Complexity Feature Analysis for Predicting Quality Assurance Outcomes Using Forests of Extremely Randomized Decision Trees
P Wall1*, J Fontenot1,2 , (1) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, (2) Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Baton Rouge, LA
MO-I345-GePD-F7-5Retaining Novel Cases to Improve Model Robustness in a Case Based Reasoning Workflow for Radiation Therapy Planning
Y Sheng1*, J Zhang1 , C Wang1 , F Yin1 , Q Wu1 , Y Ge2 , (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (2) University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
MO-J430-CAMPUS-F2-4Machine Learning Method to Automate Structure Name Mapping
W Sleeman IV1,3*, J Nalluri1,3 , S Khajamoinuddin2 , P Ghosh2 , M Hagan1,3 , J Palta1,3 , R Kapoor1,3 , (1) Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Radiation Oncology, Richmond, VA (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Computer Science, Richmond, VA (3) National Radiation Oncology Program, Department of Veteran Affairs, Richmond, VA
SU-E-221AB-4Machine Learning in IMRT Plan Evaluation
A Roy1*, D Cutright2 , M Gopalakrishnan3 , B Mittal3 , (1) The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, (2) University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, (3) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
SU-E-SAN4-1A Graphical User Interface (GUI) Toolkit for Treatment Plan Quality Analysis in Right Lung SBRT
A Brito Delgado1*, K Rasmussen2 , K Kauweloa3 , T Medrano Pesqueira4 , D Cohen5 , T Eng6 , N Kirby7 , D Saenz8 , Z Shi9 , S Stathakis10 , N Papanikolaou11 , A Gutierrez12 , (1) University of Kansas Hospital, Overland Park, KS, (2) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (3) University of Kansas Medical Center, Overland Park, KS, (4) Centro Estatal de Oncologia, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico ,(5) Jefferson Health New Jersey, Sewell, ,(6) Emory University, Atlanta, ,(7) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (8) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (9) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (10) University Of Texas Health, San Antonio, TX, (11) University of Texas HSC SA, San Antonio, TX, (12) Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL
SU-G300-SPS-F4-9Validation of Production Standardizing Radiation Therapy Structures Names by the Content-Based Standardizing Nomenclatures (CBSN) in Radiation Oncology
X MAI1,2*, S HUANG1,2 , S Huang1 , Y XIA1 , X HUANG1 , X Yang1 , (1) Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center; State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China; Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine; Guangdong Key Laboratory of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Diagnosis and Therapy, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510060, China. (2) Xinhua College of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510520,China.
SU-I400-GePD-F5-63D Dose Prediction Model for Head and Neck Cancer Patients by Combining Field Geometry Information with Patient Images
E Czeizler*, M Hakala , S Basiri , E Kuusela , Varian Medical Systems Finland, Helsinki, 18
TH-A-SAN2-10Adaptive Margins with An Early Warning System for Motion-Tracking Errors in Liver SBRT
M Liu1*, A Ross2 , J E Cygler1,3,4 , E Vandervoort1,3,4 (1) Department of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada (2) Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada (3) Department of Medical Physics, The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada (4) Department of Radiology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
TU-AB-SAN2-4Multi-Branch Convolutional Neural Network Combines Unregistered PET and CT Images for Head & Neck Cancer Outcome Prediction
A Diamant*, A Chatterjee , M Vallieres , G Shenouda , J Seuntjens , McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC
TU-C1000-GePD-F6-2Building Robust Machine Learning Models for Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction
B Nartowt1*, G Hart2 , W Muhammad3 , Y Liang4 , J Deng5 , (1) Yale/New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, (2) Yale University, New Haven, CT, (3) Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT, (4) Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, (5) Yale Univ. School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
TU-C1000-GePD-F6-6Machine Learning Based Method for Peer Review Rounds Case Prioritization
L Conroy*, C McIntosh , T Purdie , The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN, Toronto, ON
TU-E-SAN4-0The Integration of AI and Machine Learning in Medical Physics Applications
V Kearney1*, M Chan2*, C Cardenas3*, (1) University of California San Francisco, San Francsico, CA, (2) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ, (3) University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
WE-J-301-3Accurate and Instant Prediction of Electron Cutout Factor by An Efficient Residual Neural Network (ResNet) Model
C He1 , L Lu2 , T Zhu3 , D Nie4 , S Chang5 , D Shen6 , J Lian7*, (1) Duke University, Durham, ,(2) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (3) Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (4) UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, ,(5) UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, (6) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, ,(7) Univ North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC