Moderator: James Lamb, University of California, Los Angeles
Moderator: Elizabeth Covington, University of Alabama-Birmingham
| Wednesday 8:30 AM | WE-B-SAN2-1 : Fuzzy Inference Based Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the Acceptance and Commissioning of a Ring-Gantry LINAC J.Chang*, S.Jang, P.Teo, R.Lalonde, D.Heron, M.Huq |
| Wednesday 8:40 AM | WE-B-SAN2-2 : Differences in Patterns of Failure Between the Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core (IROC) Lung and Spine Phantom Irradiations S.Edward*, P.Alvarez, P.Taylor, A.Molineu, D.Followill, S.Kry |
| Wednesday 8:50 AM | WE-B-SAN2-3 : Radiation Therapy Robustness Analyzer (RTRA): A GPU Accelerated Software to Simulate the Effect of Uncertainties in External Beam Radiation Therapy H.Nourzadeh*, M.Ahmed, W.Choi, E.Aliotta, W.Watkins, J.Siebers |
| Wednesday 9:00 AM | WE-B-SAN2-4 : Clinical Validation of An Automated Treatment Error Detection Software for Radiation Therapy S.Yaddanapudi*, D.Wang, Y.Kim, J.Xia |
| Wednesday 9:10 AM | WE-B-SAN2-5 : A Daily End-To-End Quality Assurance Workflow for MRI-Guided Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy X.Chen*, E.Ahunbay, E.Paulson, G.Chen, X.Li |
| Wednesday 9:20 AM | WE-B-SAN2-6 : Commissioning of TLD Micro-Cubes for a Remote SRS Audit Program B.Luckett*, P.Alvarez, P.Taylor, S.Kry, C.Peterson, D.Luo, D.Followill |