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Electron Monte Carlo Dose Calculation Model Dependency On Optional Applicator Specific 1D Profiles

R Sharp*,


(Saturday, 4/7/2018)  

Room: Foyer

Purpose: To determine if the inclusion of optional in air profile scans impact the output of the electron Monte Carlo (eMC) and to determine if the inclusion of the profiles is clinically relevant.

Methods: Beam scan data required to configure the electron Monte Carlo algorithm was acquired. The required data, an open field (40x40cm²) PDD in water, a PDD in water with each applicator installed, & a profile in air at 95cm distance from the radiation source. Also, optional measurements of in air profiles at 95cm source to detector distance (SDD) with the jaws set to corresponding position of the applicator field size without the applicator installed were measured. This data was imported into the Eclipse Treatment Planning System to generate two versions of the eMC algorithm, one with and one without the optional air profiles. Each algorithm was used to calculate dose distributions in a virtual water phantom created in Eclipse. This includes varying field sizes, energy, and applicators.

Results: Initial comparisons in each version of the configured algorithm via gamma analysis indicates differences in the dose profiles.

Conclusion: The results of this work will determine if a physicist should consider taking the time to measure the in air profiles required during commissioning of the Eclipse treatment planning system. In addition, this work will quantify the differences between the two algorithms and if the inclusions of the optional scans impact the output greatly.

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