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Fluoroscopy Patient Peak Skin Dose Monitoring and Tracking

P Lin1*, F Corwin2*, A Goode3*, J Clark1*, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center , Richmond, VA, (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (3) University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VA,


(Monday, 4/9/2018) 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Room: Marquis Ballroom 1-4

Fluoroscopic imaging procedures can carry a significant radiation dose and are capable of producing radiation-induced skin injuries. This session will discuss the implementation and utilization of a patient radiation dose monitoring and tracking program (PRDMT) for fluoroscopic imaging procedures. Modern equipment is required to report the reference point air kerma (RPAK), but further processing and corrections are required for accurate estimation of Peak Skin Dose (PSD). Institutional infrastructure should be established to evaluate and classify the PSD, as well as monitor and track patients who have received high doses. The PRDMT should allow for assessment of potential injury, assist in patient follow-up, and provide accurate dosimetry information for risk management. Experience from multiple centers will be shared along with applicable best practices.

Learning Objectives:
1. Recognize the importance of establishing a patient dose monitoring and tracking program (PRDMT)
2. Identify the components that comprise a PRDMT
3. Apply correction factors necessary to calculate accurate peak skin dose
4. Design an infrastructure to identify and monitor patients who have received high radiation doses


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