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Medical Physics Leadership Academy

R Miller1*, J Parscale2*, C Almanza3*, A Pompos3*, (1) Northwest Medical Physics Center, Seattle, WA, (2) Perkins+Will, Dallas, TX, (3) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX


(Saturday, 4/7/2018) 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Room: Marquis Ballroom 5-8

Medical Physicists are often involved in a project implementation without any formal skills in project management. The project can be the construction of an entirely new department, choosing and implementing a new piece of equipment, a new modality or a new program: all projects share common themes. Physicist involvement level can vary based on both project and work place environment. Further, the success of the project can be impacted based on the roles and responsibilities of others. The purpose of this session is to review some basic tools of project management from a few perspectives based on a case study: a medical physicist, an administrator, and an architect.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the role of a medical physicist in project management
2. Explore some common challenges in project management
3. Review some tools and resources to enhance the success of a project


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