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AAPM TG 210 Review - Conventional LINAC Acceptance Testing

A Perez-Andujar1*, (1) University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA


(Sunday, 4/8/2018) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Room: Marquis Ballroom 5-8

With more sophisticated linear accelerators it is necessary to re-evaluate the steps associated with the acceptance testing process (ATP). This is especially relevant given the requirement of tighter tolerances for stereotactic treatments, as well as more complex component of the linear accelerator. Currently, the vendor mainly guides the ATP process and there are not enough updated guidelines for the physicist regarding this process. The purpose of the AAPM Task Group Report 210 (TG 210) is to provide the physicist with the necessary tools at the time of performing a linac ATP. TG 210 provides updated recommendations and tolerances on the test to be performed and it also provides information regarding the considerations that have to be taken before the ATP process starts.

Learning Objectives:
1. To present the test involved in the ATP process with its associated tolerances;
2. To present which aspects should be considered during the purchasing contract and the installation process
3. To discuss the precautions that should be taken during any major component replacements and upgrades that will require additional acceptance testing.


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