(Saturday, 4/7/2018)
Room: Foyer
Purpose: This retrospective study evaluates and analyzes the applicator displacements, for endometrial cancer treatment with the fractionated high-dose-rate brachytherapy, in coordinate system for the initial fraction in comparison with subsequent fractions over the entire multi fractionated treatment.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 118 intracavitary high-dose-rate brachytherapy treatment plans of 30 cervical cancer patients that were generated in the treatment planning system Oncentra, and imported in Eclipse for registration of the subsequent treatment plans into the initial CT-image guided plan and then analyzing the applicator displacements. A MATLAB based rigid registration method for 3D point-clouds was employed to determine rotation and translation of the implanted applicator precisely.
Results: The applicator rotations about Y and Z axis for the first fraction is compared with other fractions for each patient and then reported. In addition, the applicator translation is successfully calculated and found zero for all patients.
Conclusion: we evaluated the displacement of the cylinder for each fraction compared to the initial plan based on a 3D point-cloud rigid registration. According to this study, no significant displacement variations were found between each fraction. However, Immobilization devices need improvement in order to minimizing any applicator displacement and also to prevent any displacement during transportation and treatment delivery.
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