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Navigating IT Requirements in Today's Electronic Environment

B Murray1*, S Wilson2*, (1) OMPC Therapy, LLC and OMPC Diagnostics, LLC, Columbus, OH, (2) Ohio Health, Columbus, OH


(Sunday, 4/8/2018) 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Room: Marquis Ballroom 1-4

Current and Future IT Applications in the Clinical Medical Physics World
Bryon M. Murray, M.S., DABR

Medical physicists have historically been the source of expertise in the utilization of computers and software systems in the clinical environment. As software and hardware systems have evolved, the complexity of information technology (IT) has increased, resulting in the IT professionals managing all aspects of computing software and hardware. Understanding the current applications and the different IT requirements will help the clinical medical physicist in the process of specification, selection and ultimately implementation of these systems.

Developing a relationship with your IT department: Understanding modern technology requirements
B. Scott Wilson

The role of information technology (IT) has expanded and become extremely complex in the last several years. Understanding these complexities and the requirements IT professionals must follow in ensuring the security and integrity of healthcare information at all levels is paramount to any practicing health professional. An overview of current requirements, networking trends, security, and new technologies will be presented.

Learning Objectives:
1. Review progression of technology in the medical physics clinical environment
2. Become familiar with existing and future technologies including hardware and software typically used in the radiation oncology and radiology environments
3. Understand the relationship of IT to existing hardware and software systems as well as potential future requirements


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